Swap USDT TRC20 to ERC20

Swap USDT TRC20 to ERC20

Home Swap USDT TRC20 to ERC20

Swap USDT TRC20 to ERC20 

We believe that exchanging cryptocurrencies should be as simple, fast and secure as possible. Whether you are an experienced trader or a newcomer to the crypto world, on our platform you can easily exchange USDT(TRC20) to USDT(ERC20) - without the need for registration or long delays, at the best rates and maximum security. We also guarantee that the exchange will be completed in the shortest possible time. With SwapTime, you can easily convert your Tether(TRC20) to Tether(ERC20) in a few easy steps.

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What is the difference?

Both TRC20 and ERC20 are stablecoins with different blockchain networks.
TRC20 is based on the TRON network, which has relatively fast transaction speeds and low fees, making it suitable for fast transfers and high-volume transactions. ERC20 is also based on the Ethereum network and supports a wide ecosystem of decentralized applications (dApps) and smart contracts. While ERC20 transactions may have higher fees due to Ethereum congestion, it offers greater compatibility in the DeFi space. You can exchange the two with just a few clicks.


  • No registration required  
    We believe that a cryptocurrency exchange should be as convenient as possible. You don’t need to create any accounts or go through lengthy registration processes to start trading.

  • Instant Crypto Exchange
    Time is of the essence in the world of cryptocurrencies, and waiting for transactions to be processed is frustrating. With SWAPTIME, you can exchange cryptocurrencies instantly. Our system works to execute transactions without unnecessary delays, so they will be completed as quickly as possible..

  • Best Rates
    Every user wants the most value for their trades. That’s why we use algorithms that ensure you get the best possible rate at the time of exchange. We search multiple liquidity sources and help you maximize the value of your trade by selecting the best rate.

why swaptime
  • 24/7 Support
    Our support team is available 24/7 to answer your emails, and we pride ourselves on our 24/7 support.

  • Cross-Chain Support (Bridge)
    SWAPTIME supports a wide range of cryptocurrencies across multiple networks. Our built-in bridge feature allows you to trade assets even if they are on separate blockchains.

  • Secure and Safe Transactions
    Security is our top priority. We are committed to the security of your transactions. We also do not store your funds or private keys, so you have full control over your assets throughout the process.

Get Started Swapping.

Start the first swap, It’s easy and takes only a few clicks!


Select The Currencies

Search and select the currencies and network of swap, and enter the amount you want to send.


Enter The recipient Wallet Address

Enter the wallet address where you want to receive the amount after the swap.


Make Swap!

Send the desired amount to the target wallet and receive the equivalent swap amount in your wallet after few minutes.

Why Swap USDT TRC20 to ERC20?

You may want to swap your USDT from the TRC20 network to the ERC20 network for a variety of reasons.
One of the most important reasons for exchanging Tether on the ERC20 network is the limited support that some platforms may only support ERC20 USDT, so to use them on those platforms, you may need to convert your TRC20 tokens to ERC20.

Network fees are very important to many users in the blockchain. While the TRC20 network is known for its low transaction fees, the Ethereum (ERC20) network has relatively high fees, especially among decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols. If you plan to use your USDT for DeFi, ERC20 may be a better option.

The Ethereum network has higher liquidity, which can make it easier to trade or use USDT in the broader cryptocurrency ecosystem.

SwapTime makes exchanging USDT between different networks like TRC20 and ERC20 fast, easy and secure. With no registration required, competitive rates and a fast transaction process, you can be sure that your exchange will be completed with ease. Whether you are a crypto newbie or an experienced user, we provide the tools and support you need to make smooth transactions anytime, anywhere.